1.Cherish your name.
2.Stand by the weak.
3.Consciousness alone: change yourself, change the world.
4.Serve the public, unbound by personal affairs.
5.Recognise that your adversary holds justice with equal fervour.
6.Value the pursuit of understanding the unknown.
7.Resolve matters democratically through discussion; never resort to force.
8.Ensure freedom of speech for democratic organisation.
9.Preserve good traditions; end bad ones in your time.
10.Acquire wisdom to distinguish between what can and cannot be changed.
11.Continue learning until your final breath.
12.Constantly challenge your limits; strengthen mind and body to elevate them.
13.Pursue enlightenment.
14.Preparation is key.
15.Understand your role and fulfil its responsibilities.
16.Single-minded truth: believe solely in truth and uphold it. Proceed with sincere honesty.